How can CPO's build a profitable business?

The EU has a target of installing over 3 million (semi-)public chargers by 2030, and many Charge Point Operators have published extensive investment plans for rollout of EV infrastructure.  But recent figures show overall BEV sales are under pressure in Europe.


1.5 million EVs were sold in Europe in the first half of 2024, growing by only 1% compared to the same period in 2023. There have been mixed results in European growth, with sales in Germany falling by 9% in H1 2024 vs H1 2023, but sales in France and the United Kingdom have increased by 8% and 13%, respectively. Italy set a record for EV sales in June 2024 with almost 20,000 EVs sold following the release of its 2024 EV incentives. Despite this, sales in Italy have fallen by 11% this year so far. 

Source: CleanTechnica


What can CPO 's do to make a profitable business despite these challenges?


Invest in optimum performance & uptime

Invest in chargers that have passed rigourous #OCPP integration tests with the charging backend (CPMS) that is used - this enables optimal functionality, uptime and the most extensive charger diagnostics data availability.


Location is everything

With competition and grid (connection) constraints increasing, finding (and acquiring) the best locations for chargers gives a head start in terms of  revenue potential based on charging sessions and volume, CAPEX investment and RoI.


Improve visibility 

Make your chargers found in charging apps by compliance to the latest #OCPI standard for charging session data exchange and actively managing and updating POI data; this sounds like a no-brainer, but charger information (like location, pricing, semi-public availability, etc) is still not up to date for many chargers in the field - which can be frustrating for EV drivers; for instance, when they encounter a bar when it is not clear the charge point is only activated for semi-public charging. This can be a deception in terms of customer experience and limit the potential of charging sessions.


Optimize charger occupation rates

CPO's can offer dynamic pricing to pull customers at the right moment in time and increase driver retention. Some CPO's and e-MSP's have started to charge 'Idle fees' on top of this, stimulating drivers to disconnect and relocate their EV once their battery is full. This improves the availability (and capacity usage) of their chargers.


Negotiate and set up your own roaming contracts: most CPO's start with managed roaming contracts to enable (public) charging for large groups EV-drivers via external e-Mobility Service Providers (eMSPs). Connecting via roaming hubs as Hubject, Gireve and/or eClearing is a fast way to get technical OCPI connections for roaming transactions up and running. But once the volume of roaming transactions goes up, (transaction based) fees for these hubs are eating your margin - so for larger CPO's with >10k public charging stations, it makes sense to negotiate and set up roaming contracts directly with eMSP's. This negotiation and technical integration effort pays back quite quickly once transaction volumes grow.


Apply Smart Charging

With smart charging features activated (in the charger itself and/or CPMS), CPO's optimize the number of chargers and charging sessions on a single grid connection by applying load management and dymanic smart charging features for charging at scale.  Adjusting charging speed and timing to the availability of energy and grid capacity (grid conscious charging) helps to maximize the number of chargers you can connect on a specific site while keeping the drivers' charging experience on par - and save you significantly on your energy contract (both grid connection and energy usage spread to offpeak moments).


Invest in predictive maintenance and planning capabilities: Remote monitoring of charger diagnostics data can prevent chargers from breaking down; diagnostics data show discrepancies when components are starting to fail. And deriving patterns from diagnostics data from an entire asset base can make these insights more predictive (applying Machine Learning/ AI). Besides saving a CPO's direct loss of revenue, this can prevent CPO reputation damage, with the risk of drivers permamently switching to other suppliers. This is both relevant for CPO's and charger vendors to improve their products. When issues start to occur, action can be taken immediately. Customer and Technical support teams don't have to be oversized, and maintenance/repair cost can be optimized by planning in advance, which reduces OPEX compared with ad-hoc issue resolution.


Use ChargePoints as assets for energy trading

Applying smart charging, CPO's can also steer on imbalance energy markets by ajusting charging speed and timing at scale. They can sell the energy flexibility of their assets to an aggregator on the energy flex market, or become a balancing service provider themselves - opening up an additional business model and revenue streams.


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Is V2G the 'holy grail' to solve grid congestion issues?


There are quite some abbreviations that look similar, but vary in their application like V1G, V2H, V2B, V2L. So let's start with definitions.  

Vehicle to grid (V2G) is essentially the capability to discharge (car) batteries directly into the public electricity grid.  V1G is smart (grid conscious) charging, a functionality by the Charge Point Management System (CPMS) that can decrease the power input for charging. This can be done via either Load balancing (static or dynamic, guarding the accumulated power demand of charge stations do not exceed the grid connection), and dynamic smart charging that defers charging to offpeak times. More advanced solutions adjust charging profiles based on day-ahead pricing on energy markets.

Vehicle to home, Vehicle to Building and Vehicle to Load (connection to other appliances) are all V2G applications, but their application is behind the meter (not directly on the public grid).


Situation on the Dutch grid

The Dutch grid has been state of the art in terms of reliability and availability for a long time, and businesses and households are accustomed to a 99,9% availability. They pay a fixed price for their grid connection and (often fixed) price per kWh.

Dutch Sustainable energy generation via Wind and Solar is on track to meet the EU GreenDeal goals, and we are even world champion in rooftop solar generation. Government and municipalities push for further electrification of households and emission free zones in cities to accelerate electrification.

Combination of more volatile sustainable electricity generation with electrification of transport and households leads to grid congestion and more frequent imbalance in supply and demand, resulting in very high or negative mWh prices at peak demand or supply times on the energy flex market. 

Grid congestion issues are covered in the (Dutch) press on a daily basis: new wind parks, new housing estates and business areas and/or expansions have to wait months or even years to get connected or receive their upgrade. Furthermore, DSO's frequently switch off inverters of solar panels and EV charging sessions to prevent grid overload. 


The challenge

These issues have a negative impact on society and economic growth, since grid capacity can't be increased overnight. Implementation is estimated to take over a decade, and to facilitate the energy transition, a staggering investment of €8 billion per year is required from 2025 in the Netherlands alone. The challenge is enormous: between 80.000 and 105.000 km of cables need to be installed (source: Netbeheer Nederland). 

In addition to the already pressing problems, TSO Tennet and regional DSO's warn for increasing unanvailability of electricity due to the work executed on the grid in the coming years. So we need an intermediate solution to keep our lights on and businesses running during the next 5-10 years.


So what will happen? And is Vehicle to Grid THE solution to overcome these problems?


Multiple, complementary options

It is important to understand that current Grid congestion issues are time-bound - just like the highways, most of the day there are no traffic jams, only during early morning and late afternoon (or in case of an accident). 

V1G aka public grid concious (smart) charging has a significant untapped potential to decrease peak load. Peak shaving capabilities are already widely available - for example, most CPMS and chargers facilitate load balancing (prevent charger electricity demand exceeding the connection capacity) and dynamic smart charging to optimize charging sessions i.r.t. availability of electricity.  

V1G combined with dynamic energy tariffs will decrease a significant part of the current congestion issues by deferring charging to offpeak times; TotalEnergies and JedLix recently reported a realized Grid peakload reduction of 40% (Source: JedLix) on the TE installed base of chargepoints. And the potential is even larger when all EV's can deal with pausing charging sessions and restart later - at present, a continuous current of 6 Amps for many EV's to prevent them from disconnect.


Optimize self-usage of local generation

Broad introduction of flexible energy tariffs will further increase awareness and incentives for businesses and households to reduce electricity demand at peak times. Heavy users already receive incentives to pause their activity at peak times.

Businesses that require a high energy volumes for their operations actively invest in local (solar & wind) generation in combination with batteries, to become more independent of existing grid constraints. These local 'behind the meter' energy systems can provide valuable additional flexibility, with an Energy Management System (EMS) optimizing self-consumption of on-site generated electricity to a maximum, and supplying energy back to the grid at peak times. Vehicle to Home and Vehicle to Business (@work charging and depot charging for Light duty vehicles, e-trucks & e-buses) are examples of thse behind the meter solutions. 

The Electric Vehicle base is expected to grow from 10 to 36 Million by 2030 in Europe (source: PwC), with Germany accounting for 10M EV's - this is a huge potential virtual power plant of decentral batteries than can be used for storage in case of excess wind/solar generation and discharge when demand exceeds supply. 


Vehicle to grid, discharging into the grid at public charging stations is an addition to the solutions above

Promising, but not available at the scale that is needed to make a serious impact during the next few years. 

ISO 15118/20 (the protocol that supports V2G)  is only at the start to be implemented; very few EV brands and models support V2G just yet, and chargepoint backends (CPMS) need to invest in enabling V2G - and they will start implementation when their CPO customers are actively asking for it (chicken & egg). 

Furthermore, it is questionable if individual EVs connected to public chargers provide enough flexibility via discharging during peak times (this is when they usually are connected and need to be charged).

The Municipality of Utrecht thinks it is, and is working with car share company MyWheels and WeDriveSolar to extend their electric fleet that is just connected via V2G. V2G is a new business model for car sharing companies to earn additional money with discharging at peaktimes when their cars are not occupied and connected to their (public) chargepoints.


Demand-side steering incentives are not persuasive enough yet for end-users; dynamic energy tariff contracts are already being offered by a few energy suppliers, with discounts only covering a small part of their expected gains in energy trading optimization. This dynamic pricing exludes transport tariffs by Dutch DSO's, while they benefit most from demand side steering. 

Furthermore, discharging EV/stationary batteries into the grid and recharging afterwards faces battery owners and EV drivers with double taxation for electricity consumption - since they are not recognized as parties feeding into the grid (even if this results in net-zero consumption). Individual feed-in by solar converters and batteries therefore needs EU wide harmonized RFG net codes (in progress by the EU DSO expert group).


Demand side steering is behavioral change management effort

At present, grid balancing is a centralized game, mainly concentrated on the supply side. So called 'aggregators' act as Balancing Service Providers - they use the flexibility in the (aggregated) assets of their customers (like combined heat and power (CHP), heat pumps, EV's, etc.) to help balance the grid - and earn money as energy traders with this on the energy imbalance markets.

But focus on demand-side management, with proper (price and tax) incentives, is still in it's infancy and largely untapped in the Netherlands. Solving the discrepancy of supply and demand at the core seems much more effective and efficient. But both businesses and households have never been involved, since they pay a fixed price for their grid connection and price per kWh, no matter when they use electricity. So this is mostly a challenge in behavioral change, currently with lacking incentives. 


Decentralized energy system 

The energy system needs radical change to enable the energy transition. This requires an end-to-end perspective, including active involvement of end users (households and businesses). To offload the central grid, more and more communities will start working together to optimize their self consumption - and supply energy to each other locally. This requires independent tracking of what source their consumption comes from and to whom they supply at what time and cost.

Just like cryptocurrency, electricity trading will therefore become decentralized in the future, enabled by the Blockchain. This will turn the system upside-down: whether you provide excess electricity to your neighbor, or feed it into the grid for balancing purpose, the individual business and household can benefit real-time from prices on the spot market, with independent verification via the Blockchain. Energy management systems (EMS) will optimize self-usage and feed back to the grid when money can be made. This will provide an attractive business model to end users to be conscious on the timing and volume of electricity production, usage and discharge - instead of receiving a slight discount on their electricity bill like now.


My conclusion is that V2G is only part of the solution, viable on the mid to longer term. Smart charging and optimizing self-consumption still have a huge untapped potential and can already be widely applied at scale. V2G and managed discharge of 'behind the meter' energy systems into (local) grids will only take off when incentivized properly - this means they become part of the entire incentive mechanism in the chain, with the right fiscal approach - all independently verified over the Blockchain.

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My learnings to self consumption and energy saving at home

September 12, 2024

The challenges in energy transformation is on the daily news, and LinkedIn is full with posts about the need for energy consumption behavior change of residential and business users to 'grid conscious' consumption.

So as energy transition and technology evangelist with background in Smart Energy, IoT and e-Mobility, I feel obliged to apply this myself - moving from a rental apartment to my new house. Especially driven by my curiosity on how easy this would be, what obstacles I would face and whether the promises would be met.

Since I feel there is a lot to gain in this process, I decided to share my learnings to clarify what you can expect, avoid surprises, and contribute to the discussion what is helpful and/or needed to make (near) net-zero residential energy solutions more accessible, affordable and scalable.


Starting with Energy Label F (my house dates from 1938), first step was reaching out to different vendors and learn about the options, pro's and con's. Promises and their quotes appeared to be quite diverse in terms of requirements, investment and compatibility. Improving insulation and adding sixteen Longhi 430 Wp solar panels appeared to be a no-brainer, so I had that done right away. A floor heating system was already in place, so it made sense to add a Midea Monobloc 6 hybrid heat pump to the system (full electric was not recommended by the supplier). This would keep my fallback to boiler heating in place in case of peak demand, while significantly reducing the load and gas demand from the existing boiler - while promising a longer lifetime of the boiler itself due to much less running hours.

However, before this installation could be done, my distribution box needed a substantial upgrade to create space for a 16 A/C switch that was needed for the heat pump, resulting in unexpected additional costs of ~€700, since a new cable needed to be drawn underneath the ground floor. Furthermore, it surprised me I needed to abandon my (expensive) zone thermostats in five different rooms, since the Midea 6 appears to be too fault-sensitive to zone-specific signals. This was new information to me, just before the installation - there goes my smart heating solution.....


Total investment so far incl. subsidies has been ~€15.000. Positive side effect of these measures is that after contacting my energy supplier, my monthly expected energy costs drop from €250 to €75, despite charging our EV at home a couple of times a week (~€80-€100/ month), resulting in an expected payback time of around 6 years. Which is quite fine to me.

But so far, this is only reducing my overall energy demand and costs - and not contributing to offsetting real-time imbalance issues on the (local) grid, which are quite significant in the Municipality of Utrecht.


Therefore,  I considered investing in a home battery with a smart home energy management system like Tado to optimize zone heating and integrate solar, heat pump, home battery and EV charging to optimize (real-time) self consumption and reduce peak load on the grid.

But reading a few good posts on LinkedIn on home batteries (references below), I decided to stick to my current energy contract with fixed tariffs at Greenchoice for now and current technical setup for several reasons:


  • Active steering of the heat pump is discouraged by the supplier, since this might cause technical flaws and decreases its lifetime;
  • On the short run you might save investing in a home battery in combination with dynamic energy tariffs, but expected growth in industrial battery systems competing on the energy flex markets, and additional energy peaks during 10-20% of the time caused by aggregated battery management (van Capellen, CE Delft) will quickly decrease the savings and expected business case on the mid- to long run (see links to articles below). DSO's will start to interfere, shutting local energy feed-in by batteries down like they already do with inverters of solar panels.;
  • Using this setup I expect to use 1500 kWh more than will be generated generated by my solar panels, so the overall netting will not result in being charged by Greenchoice for feeding into the grid. However, when the netting policiy of solar feed-in is changed from a yearly to a day/near real-time frequency (which can be expected over time), active steering will become relevant;
  • Since I use micro- inverters, the system can’t be shut down remotely by the DSO; and when possible, my energy demand planning is already ‘grid conscious’.


(Intermediate) Conclusion

It takes a lot of time, learning and investment to become more or less self sufficient and grid friendly in terms of energy consumption. In order to accelerate the pace of household electrification, a plug-and-play, integrated value offering for consumers is needed. The current approach and process by vendors is (too) complex, and there are many potential obstacles realizing the end-to-end solution: space needed inside/outside, esthetic impact, initial investment and additional costs to get it running. Furthermore, unclarity on future energy policies regarding self consumption and additional feed-in charges by energy suppliers make people uncertain to invest.

It will take me a few more months to gain more insight into what my actual savings will be and where further optimization can be found - and will take that data as a basis for additional measures.

Will keep you posted!

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Reference posts/articles:

Post by Jurre Wolters

Thuis- en buurtbatterijen (CE Delft)

Stedin roept op tot goed nabuurschap bij gebruik van thuisbatterijen


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